Best Health Series Part 9 - Retiree's Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep Science, Stress | FitHealth Pros
#Fit Health Pros, Best health info for people who are Retirees. The FitHealth Pros, Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff bring you their...

IN THE NEWS - How Exercise Boosts the Brain and Improves Mental Health | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros, #drKevinFox, #SeanNeff Exercise in the News: How Exercise Boosts the Brain and Improves Mental Health...

Best Health Series Part 8 - 60s Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep Science, Stress Mgmt. | FitHealth Pros
#Fit Health Pros, Best health info for people who are in their 60's. The FitHealth Pros, Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff bring you...

BEST Exercises for Chronic Low Back Pain - Pt.1 | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros, #drKevinFox, #SeanNeff Best Exercises for Chronic Low Back Pain Part One: Simple statistics - We’ve ALL had (or at least...

The Top 5 Health Problems When Working From Home and the Solutions
Coach Sean and Dr. Kevin delve into a new crisis many are going through and that is the shift to working from home. Problems/Solutions

Best Health Series Part 6 - 40s
#FitHealthPros, Best health info for people are in their 40's. The FitHealth Pros Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff

Best Health Series Part 5 - 30's | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealth Pros, #BestHealthSeries #30s #30Something #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome back to our blog! Your 30s are a dynamic and...

Best Health Series Part 4 - Athletes | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros #BestHealthSeries #Athletes #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome to our blog! Athletes, whether competitive or weekend...

Sean’s Lower Body Moves of the Week
by Sean Neff Put those legs to work with some of these great burners! Hindu Squats- With this more free-flowing version of the standard...

Best Health Series Part 3 - 20's | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros #BestHealthSeries #20s #20Something #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome to our blog! In your 20s, health is a valuable...