Can Sugar really be Good? We Answer the question, "Why is Sugar Good?" | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros, #drKevinFox, #SeanNeff Dr. Fox and Coach Sean explain why sugar is good for our bodies and health. Learn why we need...

Best Health Series Part 9 - Retiree's Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep Science, Stress | FitHealth Pros
#Fit Health Pros, Best health info for people who are Retirees. The FitHealth Pros, Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff bring you their...

Best Health Series Part 8 - 60s Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep Science, Stress Mgmt. | FitHealth Pros
#Fit Health Pros, Best health info for people who are in their 60's. The FitHealth Pros, Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff bring you...

The Top 5 Health Problems When Working From Home and the Solutions
Coach Sean and Dr. Kevin delve into a new crisis many are going through and that is the shift to working from home. Problems/Solutions

Best Health Series Part 6 - 40s
#FitHealthPros, Best health info for people are in their 40's. The FitHealth Pros Dr. Kevin Fox and Coach Sean Neff

Can Artificial Sweeteners be Good? | FitHealth Pros
In this video, Dr. Kevin and Coach Sean discuss the Pros and Cons of Artificial Sweeteners. It is very confusing when the studies and...

Best Health Series Part 5 - 30's | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealth Pros, #BestHealthSeries #30s #30Something #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome back to our blog! Your 30s are a dynamic and...

Best Health Series Part 4 - Athletes | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros #BestHealthSeries #Athletes #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome to our blog! Athletes, whether competitive or weekend...

Best Health Series Part 3 - 20's | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros #BestHealthSeries #20s #20Something #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome to our blog! In your 20s, health is a valuable...

Best Health Series Part 2 - Teens | FitHealth Pros
#FitHealthPros #BestHealthSeries #Teens #DrKevinFox #CoachSeanNeff Welcome to our channel! Join The FitHealth Pros, Dr. Kevin Fox, and...